SENDoc team attended the International conference in Translational MEDicine and healthcare innovation (TMED9) - innovating to Live Well for Longer, which took place in Derry, Northern Ireland from 12th to 13th September, 2018. This conference was organised by C-TRIC and Ulster University. For further information about this conference, please visit: In this conference we disseminated the work performed in SENDoc project and we presented two posters with the advance of our work. We found valuable the opportunity of networking in this event.
The session that we found most related to our work was the HealthCare Informatics session. The speakers of this session were: Dr. Stephen Seawright, Centre Manager, WISAR Technology Gateway, LYIT, ROI; Prof. Anthony Gallagher, Professor of Technology Enhanced Learning and Director of Research at UCC, ROI; and Dr. Donail Stoyanov, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, UCL, London, UK. The research work presented on this session is work that covers Academia and Industry and shows how technology can assist medicine to attain enhanced results either creating wearable products that can assist to monitor the health of a patient or creating virtual learning environments that can assist health care practitioners to improve their skills and avoid errors.